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Chen Mengcheng , Fang Wei , Yang Chao , Xie Li
2018, 35(1):1-8.
Abstract:Bayes statistics in a vacuum can be broadly applied to the fields of natural science, economics and so cial science, which benefits from the development of computer science and technology and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. In this paper the application of MCMC method into Bayes inference was introduced, and independent sampling and random walk sampling of Metropolis-Hastings(M-H) algorithm were mainly discussed. The two sampling modes were readably programmed with Matlab, and their detailed implementation processes, merits and demerits were talked about. It was shown by present simulation that, the independent sampling mode is relatively easy to implement, but need the proposal distribution to be close to the posterior distribution; other wise, the calculation efficiency is low and the simulation effect is unsatisfactory. The random walk sampling mode don’t need the proposal distribution to approach the posterior distribution and its simulation results are satisfactory. Therefore, it overcomes the limitations of the independent sampling mode has more widespread ap plication.
Lu Huaxi , Xu Luyao , Zheng Xiaohui
2018, 35(1):9-13.
Abstract:Based on the Morison equation method, the influence of the dynamic water pressure was considered by using the additional mass. The rigid foundation bridge pier and the bridge pier structure taking into account SSI effect under the dynamic water pressure were established by using ABAQUS software computing platform. Then the seismic responses of the bridge pier structure with and without consideration of SSI effect were com- pared under the dynamic water pressure. Finally, the change regulation of seismic response of bridge pier at dif- ferent water depths considering SSI effect was analyzed. The research results show that under the dynamic water pressure, the seismic response of the pier increases, and it is influenced by underwater penetration of bridge pier; when considering SSI effect, the dynamic water pressure on the decrease of the natural vibration frequency and the increase of the seismic responses are reduced. However, the dynamic water pressure can not be neglect- ed.
2018, 35(1):14-19.
Abstract:The absence of lane guidance information in urban signalized intersection is common in China, caus- ing a large number of lane-changing behaviors in inlet transition section. To improve the traffic efficiency of in- tersections and reduce the probability of traffic accidents, make full use of road space, a method for construct- ing color guidance visual environment is proposed. The traffic simulation model of signalized intersection lane was established by the 3ds Max software, and the information perception psycho-physical experiment was com- pleted by E-prime software. Then the reaction time of lane information was regarded as the measurement indica- tor. The research results show that under the same external factors, the average reaction time of lane information before and after improvement is respectively 2. 820±1. 050s and 1. 282±0. 596s, and its accuracy is respective- ly 77. 5% and 90%. The drivers’ perception ability on lane information has been improved obviously and they are able to select the target lane ahead of time, which may significantly improve the traffic efficiency and safety of intersections.
2018, 35(1):20-26.
Abstract:In order to study the influence of traveling wave effect on the seismic response of bridges, the relative movement method was adopted to analyze the acceleration history of a practical high pile continuous rigid frame bridge with spans of (70 + 7 × 105 + 70 m) by using Midas/civil to establish a finite element model. In this pa- per, the bending moment and shearing force of the traveling wave effect on the seismic response of the bridge were compared under different combinations between two types of seismic waves and three types of apparent wave velocity. The calculation and analysis show that the input of different seismic waves has great difference in its influence on the bending moment and shearing force; the influence of the traveling wave effect on the internal force of the seismic response of the bridge is different in extent and tendency. But with the increase of the ap- parent velocity, the influence of the traveling wave effect on the internal force is reduced and the bending mo- ment is reduced by 17.11% when the apparent wave velocity is 500 m/s, reduced by 11.22% when the apparent wave velocity is 800 m/s, and reduced by 8.83% when the apparent wave velocity is 1 000 m/s. Besides, this change has certain regularity in the longitudinal bridge.
2018, 35(1):27-31.
Abstract:Stability of steel structure is an important factor to determine its bearing capacity, which can not be ignored in the design of steel structure. Improper design or structural measures of beam-columns may lead to overall or local instability of steel structure, resulting in structural damage, so it is of great importance to analyze and discuss the stability problems of steel structure in engineering practice. This paper studied the flexural prop- erties of the beam column of steel structure uniaxial symmetry under the influence of lateral load and concen- trated load and analyzed the internal force of steel beams in almost two kinds of loads and deformation so as to provide some reference for the stability design of steel structures.
2018, 35(1):32-36.
Abstract:The BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology was proposed to improve and optimize the effi- ciency of the traditional CAD design in engineering projects in this study. The BIM technology has such features as visualization, coordination, simulation, optimization and drawing, which can effectively enhance the informa- tion transportation and intelligent level and speed up the information sharing of the full life cycle of traffic in frastructure“planning, design, construction and management” . Such concepts as the 3D collaborative design characteristics, the building life cycle information sharing, the green building design support and visual design in the BIM technology may help improve the quality and safety of engineering, promote the coordinated develop- ment of construction, maintenance, management and transport services so as to advance the transformation and upgrading of transportation industry and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.
Zhang Nian , Zhang Cheng , Zhang Zhijian
2018, 35(1):37-45.
Abstract:Based on relevant data of 20 provinces in mid-western regions from 2006 to 2015, this paper estab- lishes a coordinated development validity evaluation model and carries out an empirical analysis on coordinated development of railway and highway logistics in mid-western regions by using DEA method. The research results show that there is an obvious imbalance in the coordinated development of railway and highway logistics in vari- ous provinces of mid-western regions. In recent ten years, the internal coordinated development of railway and highway logistics subsystems is at medium level, and many provinces have diminishing returns and there is ob- vious redundancy in terms of logistics input. The overall level of coordinated development between railway and highway logistics system is not high and presents a trend of decline with fluctuation. Most provinces are in a low or highly incongruous state. According to the research results, this paper proposed corresponding strategies and suggestions.
2018, 35(1):46-54.
Abstract:Buses are the most popular means for urban mass transportation. With the development of urbanization and motorization, the population of cities and the scale of regions have been on the rise, which has brought greater demands for public transportation and higher requirements for public traffic system. Bus arrival time, as one of the important parameters in urban intelligent public transport system service, is the basic information that public transport travelers are most concerned about. To meet the needs of the bus travelers to query the bus ar- rival time in real time, this paper explores the design of real-time arrival time query system of city buses. Based on the requirement analysis, the data model of the query system was established through the design of conceptual and logical structure. Then, the prediction of arrival time algorithm was put forward, which divided the route into the station sections and obtained the running time of each section from the historical records based on the data of bus arrival and departure collected in real time. The predicted running time was confirmed by clustering anal- ysis and discriminant analysis. Finally, the prediction of arrival time for users was obtained by simple calculation and the arrival time was displayed to the system users through the network.
Yu Yingxia , Zeng Zhihuan , Long Dan
2018, 35(1):55-62.
Abstract:The truck drivers in highway transportation were chosen as the study objects. Based on the investiga-tion of four transportation enterprises and the existing research results, the accident tree model of the drivers’ fault was established and analyzed. Finally, some suggestions for preventing drivers’ fault were proposed. Re-search results show that road traffic accidents due to the truck drivers’ faults happen easily with great hazards and few controllable approaches. It maintains that such factors as tension, alcohol, fatigue, medicine and dis- ease often result in faults of the truck drivers.
Teng Jing , Duan Shuai , Hu Yuan , Chen Yueqin
2018, 35(1):63-68.
Abstract:The phenomenon of large flow of metro passenger has been showing a trend of normalization, which has been causing an increasing attraction of the trip mode of metro to commuters in big cities. The large flow of metro passenger which has a great impact on passenger perception is becoming more and more obvious in metro hubs which are the nodes of metro network. The passenger will feel fatigued when they walking in the condition of large passenger flow in metro hub because of the extra energy expenditure of looking for entrance, the queue and the jam. The fatigue of passenger was reflected by energy expenditure in this paper. After analyzing the data of commuter energy expenditure obtained by designing the experiments in metro hubs, the result was got show-ing that the factors of initial status of commuters, body weight of commuters, gender of commuters and crowding of metro hubs had greater influence on passenger perception. Strategies of improving passenger service in metro hubs were proposed based on reducing passenger energy expenditure and enhancing passenger perception level.
2018, 35(1):69-74.
Abstract:The complex meteorological condition environment is one of the important reasons for the high inci-dence of traffic accidents, in which drivers’ vision find it hard to identify quickly and effectively the front vehi-cles in a low-visibility environment. But machine vision not only overcomes the biological vision restriction, but also retains the characteristics of high continuity and stability. The drivers who have experience and good mental state were selected to classify the sampled images of low visibility vehicles. Then, the LIBSVM toolbox was used to build the simulation driver classification and recognition model based on support vector machine in MAT-LAB2016b version. Finally, the test sample was used to verify the recognition rate, and the simulation results show that the recognition rate is over 90%.
Tu Wenbing , He Haibin , Liu Leping , Luo Ya
2018, 35(1):75-81.
Abstract:The front bumper is the main energy-absorbing component in the frontal impact, which, to a large ex- tent, determines the crashworthiness and safety of a vehicle. Based on the large deformation and nonlinear con- tact of front bumper in the process of vehicle collision, the finite element model of front bumper (including bumper, energy-absorbing box and longitudinal beam) colliding with the rigid wall were established. The piece- wise linear plastic material constitutive model and explicit dynamic finite element method were adopted to dy- namically simulate the process of collision and the deformation, energy changes and impact force curve of bumper, energy-absorbing box and longitudinal beam were obtained. The simulation results are in good agree- ment with the experimental results, which verifies the correctness of the finite element model. The research re- sults show that the inducing structure of slot type is easier to induce the fold deformation of longitudinal beam than that of the inducing structure of box type, and the impact force curve fluctuates with the fold deformation of longitudinal beam.
2018, 35(1):82-89.
Abstract:A typical single-phase short-circuit fault was designed and analyzed for the typical valve-side of the MMC-HVDC system. Without considering the asymmetry of the number of sub-module switching in the transient process, this paper established the AC-side equivalent circuit and DC-side equivalent circuit respectively when there is single-phase ground short circuit in the valve side bus bar. Then the transient formulas of the valve side bus voltage, current, DC -side voltage and current were obtained under the fault condition. Besides, power change before and after the failure and its influence on neutral current, input and output, active and reactive power were analyzed. Taking the flexible transmission project of ±20KV/43.2MW in Shanghai as an example, the comparison between MATLAB/Simulink simulation test and the established analytical formula model shows that the transient analysis formula was consistent with the analysis result of circuit simulation model. Finally, fault characteristics of single-phase short-circuit of HVDC system were verified.
Lu Xiuguo , Yang Lingyan , Huang Linchang , Guo Yiting
2018, 35(1):90-96.
Abstract:As a kind of cheap, easily accessible and environmentally-freindly absorbent, non-food biomass is very effective in treating the ammonia -nitrogen in wastewater. This paper briefly introduced the processing method of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater treatment, focusing on the current situation of treating ammonia-ni- trogen by non-food biomass. Then, different kinds of non-food biomass were modified in various ways for am- monia-nitrogen adsorption, and the mechanism of adsorption was expounded accordingly. Based on the existing research findings, the key points and prospects of its future were presented.
Wei Kang , Li Kang , Li Jiansheng , Gao Bo , Mao Qingzhong , Wang Shuaizhuo
2018, 35(1):97-102.
Abstract:316L stainless steels with heterogeneous lamella structures were prepared by cold rolling and subse- quent annealing treatment. Then cold rolled steel plates were single and double welded by using GTAW welding process. Finally, microstructure and mechanical properties of rolled specimens and the welded joints were inves- tigated. The research results show that ultra-fined grains lamella structures are formed in the 316L stainless steels treated by cold rolling. The rolled samples exhibit a high tensile strength of 1058.9 MPa, an increase of 70.6% than that of original base metal samples. But the ductility reduces significantly, with a lower fracture e- longation of 16.9%. Weld microstructure of welded joints are typical equiaxial dendritic austenite, and a small amount of δ-ferrite. Coarse austenite grains are formed in the heat affected zone. Tensile strength of single-side welded joints is 608.1 MPa, and the elongation reaches to 15.3%, while mechanical properties of double-side welded joints appear a slight reduction. Equiaxed dimples morphologies are observed on all the fracture surfaces.
2018, 35(1):103-108.
Abstract:The reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) material was classified into two categories and the gradation and asphalt content of RAP were examined for each category. The Marshall design method was adopted to obtain the optimum asphalt content and mixture ratio in the hot recycled asphalt mixture AC-13 and AC-20 under the conditions of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% content of RAP respectively. Effects of RAP changes on the high temperature stability, low temperature performance and water stability of reclaimed asphalt mixture with the opti- mum asphalt content were evaluated. Finally, the test road was constructed to verify the road performance of hot recycled asphalt mixture. Research results show that the low temperature performance and water stability of hot recycled asphalt mixture increased first and then decreased along with the increase of content of RAP, and the optimum RAP content was 30%. The high temperature stability of hot recycled asphalt mixture improved with the increase of RAP content. With comprehensive consideration of the properties of hot recycled asphalt mixture, 30% content of RAP was recommended.
Zeng Guizhen , Zhang Guangyuan , Zeng Runzhong
2018, 35(1):109-115.
Abstract:In view of the complexity and low efficiency in the process of conversion from simulation to the appli- cation by conventional vector control algorithm, this paper studied the simulation and application of vector con- trol algorithm by combining software-in-the-loop simulation which includes control chips in the ring with the dsPACE hardware-in-the-loop simulation. This method omitted the program transplantation and the physical verification process of the application and hardware platform of conventional algorithm simulation, which would realize the seamless connection from the simulation to the application and improve the development efficiency of the algorithm. Finally, this paper presented two kinds of simulation results of the vector control algorithm, show- ing that the proposed method can effectively complete the research on algorithm development and the application of the algorithm on the hardware platform.
2018, 35(1):116-122.
Abstract:Taking CRH2 type axle brake system as prototype, the calculation method of thermal load on axle plate and the determination of boundary conditions were studied based on frictional power method. According to the energy conservation method, the heat flux density applied to the brake disc surface is simplified, and the function curve of average forced convection heat transfer coefficient and average natural convection heat transfer coefficient under train emergency braking condition is determined. In the ANSYS software, the temperature dis- tribution and the stress field of the brake disc in the axle disc are simulated under the emergency braking condi- tion of the CRH2 high speed motor car. The results show that during the braking process, the temperature of the surface of the train brake disk rises rapidly at the moment of starting braking. When reaching a certain peak, the temperature slowly drops until the brake is stopped. Brake thermal stress after the start of a sharp rise, and then gradually reduce the speed with ease release.
Liu Shibing , Liu Huan , Wang Xiaoyi , Zeng Yutian
2018, 35(1):123-129.
Abstract:Based on cloud computing and power supply information system, this paper reestablished the Ali cloud computing-oriented framework of power supply information system of Shenyang Railway Bureau. Firstly, this paper discussed such problems as system slowness, high pre-construction cost and difficulties in post main- tenance by taking into account the cloud situation of domestic railway industry and by the planning and design of the existing power supply information for the Shenyang Railway Bureau. Then, the second combination of cloud products was carried out to form a hybrid cloud model through comprehensive and in-depth learning of Ali cloud. Finally, the two aspects were combined to form a hybrid cloud information system framework under the cloud environment. This framework may provide railway power supply departments with the cloud platform con- ditions for their efficient and comprehensive administration and production scheduling, representing characteris- tics including large scale, virtualization, high reliability and scalability, which develops a feasibility study on cloud migration of information system.
2018, 35(1):130-135.
Abstract:A mechanism to implement the efficient allocation of pollution was designed in this paper, and it shows that even the payoff information of the factories is private, the factories would tell the truth about their payoff information only if they are rational, by which the efficient allocation of pollution is realized. To play its role the mechanism does not need a game environment-complete rationality of factories is common knowledge, which means the mechanism is of great practicality. The research results show that as long as the factories are rational and the allocators of pollution are allowed to charge the factories, we can implement the efficient allo- cation of pollution by mechanism design.
Wang Lixia , Zhou Juan , Lu Ligang , Wu Zejiu
2018, 35(1):136-142.
Abstract:On the basis of the comprehensive, advanced and scientific principle, this paper explores the evalua- tion index system of for the ideological and political education in universities and obtains all index weights by using AHP methods. A grey comprehensive evaluation model of the university’s ideological and political educa- tion effectiveness was established by using grey theory, and the empirical research and analysis of this model were carried out based on the data obtained from questionnaire and interview. It finds that this model shows a good applicability by realizing the quantitative process on qualitative problems and upgrading the grey relevance into weighted grey relevance may improve the accuracy of the evaluation model.